The JACT Greek Summer School takes the safety and welfare of all the students on its course extremely seriously. The prime concern at all times is the best interests of the child. It is the responsibility of all the tutors and other staff on the course to report any concerns they have about child protection or welfare to the Course Director, as the Designated Safeguarding Lead.
The Summer School will ensure that:
- the tutors and staff are aware that they have a responsibility to report any concerns that they have about any student to the Safeguarding Lead at once ;
- the tutors and staff each year are briefed at the initial staff meeting, as their annual training, on their role in ensuring the safety of the children on the course;
- the tutors and staff must read the Child Protection & Safeguarding policy and the government document ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023’, whose guidance the JACT Greek Summer School follows as a matter of best practice; all will sign a document at the initial meeting to confirm that they have read both documents and that they were present at the briefing;
- the policy is available on the website to be read by parents and students as well;
- the students and parents are aware of who the Safeguarding Lead is at the summer school, and encourage them to report any concerns to this person at once;
- any serious concerns are passed on by the Safeguarding Lead to the appropriate Local Authority Designated Officer;
- it follows safe recruitment procedures, in which it is stressed to potential tutors that we take child protection and safeguarding extremely seriously, that they will be required to submit a full CV, undergo a DBS check, and provide two referees who will be explicitly asked to state whether there have been any concerns to do with safeguarding about the person, whether proved or unproved;
- all staff have a DBS check at least every 10 years if they are employed continuously in a school/college teaching U18 students and every 3 years otherwise;
- visiting lecturers and other visitors who have not been DBS checked are accommodated in a building separate from students and will be accompanied when with the students.

Safeguarding children is EVERYONE’s responsibility. If you see or hear anything that worries you, no matter how small, please contact:
- The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Catherine Steel (the Course Director)
- Tel: tbc or, during the course, via school Gatehouse – 01258 452411
- Email: tbc
- The Deputy DSL, Cathy Bothwell (the Course Secretary)
- Tel: 07875 252244
- Email:
- The Chair of the Management Committee, Chris Burnand
- Tel: 07748 968597
- Email:
If you cannot contact any of the above, or you are dissatisfied with the way that they have dealt with your concerns, you should contact:
the Chair of the JACT Summer Schools Trust, Judith Mossman:
or the relevant external agency, such as Dorset Children’s Advice and Duty Service:
- Tel: 01305 228866
If the concern is about the welfare of a student over 18 years of age, contact Dorset Safeguarding Adults Board:
- Tel: 01305 221016