For Referees

We ask all applicants to provide the name and email contact for an academic referee - usually a current school or university teacher - so that we can ensure that all those who attend the course are likely to benefit from the experience and to ensure that students are placed in the most appropriate teaching group. If you have been asked to provide a reference, please read the guidance below.

We collect references directly into our online system, so referees should receive an automated email with a link to follow to submit their comments. If you do not receive the email or the link does not work, please contact the Course Secretary via the contact page.

We ask referees to address the following three points in their reference:

Suitability for this residential course which lasts a fortnight and makes considerable demands in both time and effort.  Supervision is informal and the atmosphere of the school is adult.  Students thus need to be reasonably mature and self-disciplined, and must be capable of working independently. For students currently at school, this may mean the referee needs to consult pastoral or boarding staff to ensure all relevant information is passed to us.

Linguistic ability and experience: If the student has no Greek, please comment, if possible, on their ability in any other relevant languages (Latin, French, etc.).  If the student is already learning Greek, please comment on such details as their knowledge of accidence and syntax and ability to grasp new grammatical concepts. If the student is already reading Greek texts it would be most helpful to know what they have already read, and what they will be reading during the remainder of this academic year, so that any repetition can be avoided. Please be as candid as possible in this section: the information you give will be used not as a selection criterion in our awarding of a place at the Summer School, but rather to ensure that the student is placed in the appropriate tutor group.

S.E.N.D. & other contextual information: Please include any additional information which will enable us to meet the student’s needs as well as possible, including, for example, details of any Special Educational Needs or Disability they may have, any significant pastoral issues and any other contextual information that may be relevant to their application.

If this student has already attended the summer school and you have previously provided a reference, we still need an updated picture to assist the new tutor. We do not keep copies of reports by Summer School tutors sent to the original referee.

Please submit your reference by 31st March at the latest or as soon as possible if that date has already passed. We appreciate the time and consideration that referees put into writing references for students. After the course, the summer school tutors write a brief report on each student and send it to their referee.

DATA PROTECTION: We keep a record of names, email addresses & places of work of referees, in order to provide them with a report on the students after the course and to maintain links with schools that may have candidates for the summer school in future years. If you wish to be removed from our mailing list, please contact the Course Secretary or use the contact page above.